Aphorisms XXV

Un article de Caverne des 1001 nuits.

Why say we are afraid of the unknown? If it is unknown, we cannot be afraid. We are afraid about the known that left bad memories.

With some people, what they say is the contrary to what you should understand. In their mouth, 'peace and love' means 'war and hate'.

The ego wants to live in a securing illusion about himself. This is because the truth is not acceptable to the mind.

When we say someone is mad, we often project our undigested madness over this person.

The bigger an ego is, the blinder the person is. This blindness prevents the person to understand other people's reactions towards her.

Our ego is living in an illusion and not in the real world. Because our ego does not want to see the truth but reassuring illusions.

The more we would need to take conscience of what is wrong inwardly, the more we are unable to do that. This is mechanical.

People who would need to change are often the people that can't.

Our vision of the world is always limited by our knowledge of ourselves.

The need for security is the root of a confusion: needing security outwardly is a need of man while inwardly it is the source of conflict.

We are generally full of habits and quick to make new habits. This fact comes from the inward urge for security of mankind.

If we have the intention to become, then we are taken into the net of causation.

Karma's law is one door to the search for the permanent, for what escapes to causation.

In the Vedas, time, space and causation are the rules of Maya, the wall between the manifested world and the One.

All that has a cause can end. All that has no cause is an attribute of the divine.

We can see clearly when the mind is not to filled with daily worries. Then, in this void comes true intelligence.

That is not because we think logically that we are intelligent. This fact explains why so much thoughts are useless.

It is wrong to believed that intelligence is related to culture and knowledge, even to thinking.

Inward space can come by observing inwardly the technical knowledge decompose itself and vanish.

Inward space cannot come through a method which is always the application of an intellectual pattern tied to reward and punishment.

All the conditioning elements of the mind can be transformed by the heart provided there is space inwardly.

Structured religions dogmas are a sample of intellectual knowledge. The words must be transformed by the heart to be useful.

When we say knowledge, we mean intellectual accumulation of other's thoughts. This kind of knowledge is only imitation and cannot create.

Order is not always the contrary of disorder. Order is an attribute of the One.

When we inquire into education, we are facing the problem of knowledge. Is knowledge for man is being like a database? Full of sorted data?

Education can be seen at various levels. Too often, educators only see the technical side of it, the one that will enable you to get a job.

If education consists in filling our brain with other's ideas, then we should ask ourselves if there is another kind of education.

Modern education twisted the relationship between people. Depending on your education, you are honored or despised.

If we only react to things, then obviously we are not free. Considering that reaction is conditioned, we can be seen as 'asleep'.

There are two kinds of actions: the reaction is the action that has a cause; the action with no cause. Seek the second.

We need no dogma to be religious persons because true religion is speechless.

Idealism has the enormous disadvantage of belonging to the referential of opposites. So no form of idealism can lead to the One.

When something happens, we ask 'why' as if we were taking as granted the fact that there is actually a cause to everything.

Entertainment is way to run away from what is. It implies always a projection out of what is, above all psychologically.

We are made of the dead. Everywhere around us, there are remains of our dead ancestors. We call it 'dust', but we are made of their dust.

We are made of what we eat and drink. In a sense, it is a great lie to say 'my' body.

Why do we always want more? Why can't we correlate the ambition of having more and the pain to get it, to keep it or to never get it?

We need to be very careful about words, because the word is not the thing. Taking words too seriously can lead to awful mistakes.

Isolation of the self appears to bring protection when it can only bring conflict through separation. This truth is hard to really feel.

Hinduism allows the individual path in the religious way whereas other religions do not. For sure, inward investigation is still needed.

There are many path to true religion. Strangely, some are going into it through dogma, and others with no dogma at all.

If we decide to investigate inwardly, then we can examine the causes. It is no metaphysical game because some facts are causeless.

If there is a cause, then the cause can disappear. There is no cause for love, for intelligence, for truth.

The Hindu notion of Maya is more than the world seen as an illusion. Maya is the complex trap in which we are caught before awakening.

'What is' is now. When we are becoming, we enter of a psychological time which is a construction of the mind, a projection of what should be.

We learn to know ourselves in observing the mirror of the relation to other beings, things, ideas and so on.

The need to be near to saints is comprehensible for people that have religious feelings. All the issue lies in the meaning of 'to be near'.

Empty my self from myself: this is the target of Sufism. Know yourself and you will know God.

The religious man cannot accept any authority and he should be ready to leave his beliefs behind.

Real religion is beyond dogma.

One of the most deep notion of Hinduism is the law of Karma. It takes a great deal to go into it and discover the nature of it.

You cannot force someone into real religion. You cannot attract someone to real religion. This attraction is like love: here or not here.

Ambition is the will to be something that we are not. Ambition is a form of intention. Fasting inward meaning is fasting of intentions.

Representation is mandatory due to language. But representation does not speak the truth but just a caricature of it.

If mankind could change by an intellectual system, it would have long time ago.

Wanting to change manhood directly supposes manhood can be changed by the direct influence of man. This is not a fact but an illusion.

When we think about society, we should begin to think about our own actions between each other rather than discussing intellectual opinions.

We could feel betrayed by our leaders whatever the kind of authority they endorse. Because authority is, in a sense, lie and betrayal.

Indeed 'I' is ego. Ego is dividing the mind between observer and observed whereas there is no valid split but just thought.

Consciousness and thought are not our personal properties. What remains when we take out of ego what is not 'I'?

Thought is a common asset. To make thought a personal asset is a trick of the ego. It is only seeing the surface of things.

Perhaps conditioning is not enough to describe how impersonal consciousness can be. There may be abstract thinking patterns also.

When we realize we all think the same things at the same moment, we should question the concept of 'personal consciousness'.

Conflict is always useless. However, we should not avoid conflict but learn what conflict really is.

Isolation is the counterpart of ego: it creates conflict.

Cause and effect are in the center of psychological time. When that time is seen as it is, causation can disappear.

Craving for security inwardly brings conflict obligatorily inwardly and outwardly.

World's confusion is just the outward illustration of humanity's inward confusion.

When I say I, I lie to myself by splitting myself into observer and observed. Indeed, ego is the primal form of neurosis.

We should learn to feel that the word is not the thing, and that the word is a trap of no reality.

Everyone of us may have thousands of opinions. But opinion does not matter at all. Opinion is second hand thought with no reality.

The mean is the real end because the end is only a mental thought, an excuse for employing the mean in the present.

We are trained to distinguish the mean from the end. This distinction is not real. The fact is the mean is the end.

Many people question tools as if their purpose was restricted to some uses or some archetypal people. But a tool is a mean.

We have to question the urge of men to `belong´, as we have to question the urge of being `guided´.

One fact is that men never knew any psychological progress for thousands of years. Technology changed but humanity did not.

Attention is somewhere the alternate path to thinking. This is where understanding is born.

Religious matters generally hide the real meaning of things, some comprehension that cannot be expressed by words. Other matters are void.

Intellect is dividing, classifying, analyzing and so on. This is adapted for mechanical things comprehension but not for life.

Inward space is required to be free. When the mind is filled with thoughts, there is no space inside to be free.

Dissatisfaction is the key to self knowledge. But dissatisfaction which comes with no 'about'.

Searching the truth has no meaning when one expects to find something. The search must be aimless. Indeed it is not really a search.

The point is not to say too much or to say too little, but to speak the truth, this being a long or short while, or silence.

The point seems not to detach but more to be able to look at attachment to understand how it really works.

Conformity is the consequence of relation to authority. We cannot know ourselves if we conform to any kind of model.

The ambition to become is generating pain and conflicts. This movement is an illustration of the separation of the mind.

Why being a second hand thinker by recycling other's thoughts when we can try to find out by our own attention and vision ?

Isolation is a constant of man. Isolation causes conflict. Isolation is the way the mind usually works.

Indeed, even though evolution can be seen in the material world, our mind never evolved. It s the same as 50 000 years ago.

We should go into the concept of tribe. Even if tribes should have disappear, we still have tribal minds.

We usually think our thoughts are ours, but that is not true. Thoughts are humanity's.

Verbal or intellectual understanding leads to illusion and false knowledge because it is theoretical knowledge.

The mind is always seeking security. But security for the mind implies conflict outside.

Conforming to standards stretches the mind as all respect to an authority does.

Misunderstanding can be the salt of our false analysis of the other. To be able to understand the other, we must be him and to feel what is.

We usually search for pleasures. One of the pleasures is to be read and to feel someone. This is Maya.

Wisdom can be hidden right before your eyes. But, you don't want to listen because hearing the truth is no pleasure.

Denial is the best way to alter what is. For sure, as it is not philosophy, it cannot be wisdom.

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