Convertir une chaîne ISO 8859-1 en HTML en Java

Un article de Caverne des 1001 nuits.

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Version du 5 mars 2009 à 08:29

Convertir de l'ASCII encodage ISO 8859-1 en caractères HTML en Java

Après avoir pas mal cherché sur le net, j'avoue ne pas avoir trouvé d'exemple de code permettant de convertir une chaîne de caractères encodée en ISO 8859-1 en HTML. Or, un de mes programmes a besoin de cette fonctionnalité. Voici donc, pour ceux que ça intéresserait, un exemple de code offrant cette fonctionnalité.

Exemple de code

 * This class converts a French string, usually encoded in ISO 8859-1 in HTML.
 * You can use this class in your programs. Copyleft 1001nuits.

package foo.util;

import java.util.HashMap;

 * @author 1001nuits
 * This class is containing a singleton.
public class ISO8859_1toHTML
    protected HashMap<Integer, String> map = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
    protected static ISO8859_1toHTML singleton = null;

     * Constructor is not public (singleton pattern)
    protected ISO8859_1toHTML()
        //Initialize map
        map.put(new Integer(34), "&quot;");
        map.put(new Integer(38), "&amp;");
        map.put(new Integer(60), "&lt;");
        map.put(new Integer(62), "&gt;");
        map.put(new Integer(160), "&nbsp;");
        map.put(new Integer(161), "&iexcl;");
        map.put(new Integer(162), "&cent;");
        map.put(new Integer(163), "&pound;");
        map.put(new Integer(164), "&curren;");
        map.put(new Integer(165), "&yen;");
        map.put(new Integer(166), "&brvbar;");
        map.put(new Integer(167), "&sect;");
        map.put(new Integer(168), "&uml;");
        map.put(new Integer(169), "&copy;");
        map.put(new Integer(170), "&ordf;");
        map.put(new Integer(171), "&laquo;");
        map.put(new Integer(172), "&not;");
        map.put(new Integer(173), "&shy;");
        map.put(new Integer(174), "&reg;");
        map.put(new Integer(175), "&macr;");
        map.put(new Integer(176), "&deg;");
        map.put(new Integer(177), "&plusmn;");
        map.put(new Integer(178), "&sup2;");
        map.put(new Integer(179), "&sup3;");
        map.put(new Integer(180), "&acute;");
        map.put(new Integer(181), "&micro;");
        map.put(new Integer(182), "&para;");
        map.put(new Integer(183), "&middot;");
        map.put(new Integer(184), "&cedil;");
        map.put(new Integer(185), "&sup1;");
        map.put(new Integer(186), "&ordm;");
        map.put(new Integer(187), "&raquo;");
        map.put(new Integer(188), "&frac14;");
        map.put(new Integer(189), "&frac12;");
        map.put(new Integer(190), "&frac34;");
        map.put(new Integer(191), "&iquest;");
        map.put(new Integer(192), "&Agrave;");
        map.put(new Integer(193), "&Aacute;");
        map.put(new Integer(194), "&Acirc;");
        map.put(new Integer(195), "&Atilde;");
        map.put(new Integer(196), "&Auml;");
        map.put(new Integer(197), "&Aring;");
        map.put(new Integer(198), "&AElig;");
        map.put(new Integer(199), "&Ccedil;");
        map.put(new Integer(200), "&Egrave;");
        map.put(new Integer(201), "&Eacute;");
        map.put(new Integer(202), "&Ecirc;");
        map.put(new Integer(203), "&Euml;");
        map.put(new Integer(204), "&Igrave;");
        map.put(new Integer(205), "&Iacute;");
        map.put(new Integer(206), "&Icirc;");
        map.put(new Integer(207), "&Iuml;");
        map.put(new Integer(208), "&ETH;");
        map.put(new Integer(209), "&Ntilde;");
        map.put(new Integer(210), "&Ograve;");
        map.put(new Integer(211), "&Oacute;");
        map.put(new Integer(212), "&Ocirc;");
        map.put(new Integer(213), "&Otilde;");
        map.put(new Integer(214), "&Ouml;");
        map.put(new Integer(215), "&times;");
        map.put(new Integer(216), "&Oslash;");
        map.put(new Integer(217), "&Ugrave;");
        map.put(new Integer(218), "&Uacute;");
        map.put(new Integer(219), "&Ucirc;");
        map.put(new Integer(220), "&Uuml;");
        map.put(new Integer(221), "&Yacute;");
        map.put(new Integer(222), "&THORN;");
        map.put(new Integer(223), "&szlig;");
        map.put(new Integer(224), "&agrave;");
        map.put(new Integer(225), "&aacute;");
        map.put(new Integer(226), "&acirc;");
        map.put(new Integer(227), "&atilde;");
        map.put(new Integer(228), "&auml;");
        map.put(new Integer(229), "&aring;");
        map.put(new Integer(230), "&aelig;");
        map.put(new Integer(231), "&ccedil;");
        map.put(new Integer(232), "&egrave;");
        map.put(new Integer(233), "&eacute;");
        map.put(new Integer(234), "&ecirc;");
        map.put(new Integer(235), "&euml;");
        map.put(new Integer(236), "&igrave;");
        map.put(new Integer(237), "&iacute;");
        map.put(new Integer(238), "&icirc;");
        map.put(new Integer(239), "&iuml;");
        map.put(new Integer(240), "&eth;");
        map.put(new Integer(241), "&ntilde;");
        map.put(new Integer(242), "&ograve;");
        map.put(new Integer(243), "&oacute;");
        map.put(new Integer(244), "&ocirc;");
        map.put(new Integer(245), "&otilde;");
        map.put(new Integer(246), "&ouml;");
        map.put(new Integer(247), "&divide;");
        map.put(new Integer(248), "&oslash;");
        map.put(new Integer(249), "&ugrave;");
        map.put(new Integer(250), "&uacute;");
        map.put(new Integer(251), "&ucirc;");
        map.put(new Integer(252), "&uuml;");
        map.put(new Integer(253), "&yacute;");
        map.put(new Integer(254), "&thorn;");
        map.put(new Integer(255), "&yuml;");

     * You can open this API if you wish.
    protected String getValue(Integer ref)
        return map.get(ref);

     * This static method returns a string with HTML characters in it.
    public static String convertASCIItoHTML(String input)
        //If there is no instance of the class, create it.
        if (singleton==null)
            singleton = new ISO8859_1toHTML();

        String output = "";

        for (int i=0;i<input.length();i++)
            // Get ascii code for char at i
            // Other method: int codePoint = String.valueOf(x).codePointAt(0);
            Integer num = new Integer((int) input.charAt(i));
            String value = singleton.getValue(num);
            if (value==null)
                output += input.substring(i, i+1);
                output += value;
        return output;

    //Test runnable method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        String output = ISO8859_1toHTML.convertASCIItoHTML("Chaîne aérien amère hôtel");